
Volleyball World cemented its status as a trailblazer in the digital landscape in 2023, captivating fans around the world with its engaging content and innovative digital approach.

The organisation continued the remarkable success of 2022 to claim third place overall among Olympic International Federations (IF) according to the BCW International Sports Federations (IF) Social Media Ranking. Volleyball World also maintained its position as the fourth most followed IF across these channels with nearly 16 million followers across all platforms combined.

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Notably, Volleyball World’s YouTube channel also exploded in 2023, with a growth of 48% to surpass 3.2 million followers.

As it moves into its third year since its launch as part of landmark partnership between the FIVB and CVC Capital Partners, Volleyball World remains committed to connecting with fans by providing innovative, exciting and engaging content.

FIVB President Dr Ary S. Graça F° said:

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing innovative content for our audiences worldwide, whilst remaining authentic to our values. While our sport’s digital modernisation began with the FIVB, Volleyball World has taken this to the next level and we are seeing greater fan engagement than ever before. I am proud that we have been able to transcend audiences and breakdown barriers to connect with followers from every corner of the world, fostering a truly global Volleyball Family.”

Volleyball World CEO Finn Taylor said:

“In this digital age, it is so important to ensure a strong online presence. We are extremely pleased to see that our organisation’s success in 2022 in this area has continued and that we have seen an engagement from audiences globally. We are immensely proud of our team who, throughout the year, have created content that generates excitement, sparks conversations, and encourages repeated engagement with our sport. We have a jam-packed social media strategy for 2024 and are excited to continue to solidify our status as a leader in sporting digital platforms.”