Useful Information

Useful Info

Side events




Hospitality Package(s)

Camp for Beach Volleyball fans


Weather conditions in the same period when the event will be scheduled


Temperature: 18 – 27 C°

Rain: 8 days

Sun Hours:  14,5 h/day

Sunrise and sunset time

Sunrise: 5:48 am

Sunset: 8:09 pm 


EUR (1 EUR = 1,10 USD)

Local Tourism Info


Recommended hotels

Austria Trend Hotels

Tourist Attractions

Schloss Schönbrunn, Zoo Schönbrunn, Stephansdom, Hofburg, Belvedere, Wiener Riesenrad, Albertina, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Naturhistorisches Museum, Museumsquartier, Ringstraße, Staatsoper

Time zone

UTC+1, Central Europe Time (CET)


Useful Info: