Beach Pro TourCarol & Barbara top World Ranking again; Mol & Sorum back up to number twoAll Rio medallist teams reach career highs in the World RankingRead More
Beach Pro TourCarol & Barbara rush to home gold in RioCannon & Kraft and Thamela & Victoria complete the women’s podiumRead More
Beach Pro TourBellos complete their Cinderella story with first ever Beach Pro Tour goldCapogrossos take Rio Elite16 silver, Plavins & Fokerots claim bronzeRead More
Beach Pro TourIttlinger & Van de Velde fly from qualifiers to semis in RioThe German pair will take on Cannon & Kraft, while Carol & Barbara and Thamela & Victoria will engage in an all-Brazilian semifinalRead More
Beach Pro TourEuropean champs stun Olympic champs in Rio quarterfinalsAfter knocking out Ahman & Hellvig, Plavins & Fokerots will take on Capogrosso & Capogrosso, while qualifiers Bello & Bello face mighty Mol & SorumRead More
liveEvent Live NowCapogrosso T./Capogrosso N. (ARG) v Bello, Ja./Bello, Jo. (ENG) | Men's Final | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowThamela/Victoria (BRA) v Ittlinger/Van de Velde (GER) | Women's Bronze Match | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowPlavins/Fokerots (LAT) v Mol, A./Sørum, C. (NOR) | Men's Bronze Match | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowThamela/Victoria (BRA) v Carol/Barbara (BRA) | Women's Semi-Finals | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowCannon/Kraft (USA) v Ittlinger/Van de Velde (GER) | Women's Semi-Finals | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowBello, Ja./Bello, Jo. (ENG) v Mol, A./Sørum, C. (NOR) | Men's Semi-Finals | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowPlavins/Fokerots (LAT) v Capogrosso T./Capogrosso N.(ARG) | Men's Semi-Finals | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowCannon/Kraft (USA) v Taiana Lima/Talita (BRA) | Women's Quarter-Finals | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowIttlinger/Van de Velde (GER) v Vitoria/Hegeile (BRA) | Women's Quarter-Finals | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowCarol/Barbara (BRA) v Gottardi/Orsi Toth, R. (ITA) | Women's Quarter-Finals | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowThamela/Victoria (BRA) v Klinger D./Klinger R. (AUT) | Women's Quarter-Finals | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowÅhman/Hellvig (SWE) v Plavins/Fokerots (LAT) | Men's Quarter-Finals | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowÅhman/Hellvig (SWE) v Plavins/Fokerots (LAT) | Men's Quarter-Finals | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowCherif/Ahmed (QAT) v Mol, A./Sørum, C. (NOR) | Men's Quarter-Finals | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowMol, H./Berntsen (NOR) v Capogrosso T./Capogrosso N. (ARG) | Men's Quarter-Finals | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowBello, Ja./Bello, Jo. (ENG) v Popov/Reznik (UKR) | Men's Quarter-Finals | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowIttlinger/Van de Velde (GER) v Thainara/Elize Maia (BRA) | Women's Round of 12 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowTaiana Lima/Talita (BRA) v Michelle/Poletti (PAR) | Women's Round of 12 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowAndressa/Tainá (BRA) v Klinger D./Klinger R. (AUT) | Women's Round of 12 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowCarol/Barbara (BRA) v Agatha/Rebecca (BRA) | Women's Round of 12 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowMol, H./Berntsen (NOR) v van de Velde/Immers (NED) | Men's Round - Replay of 12 | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowPlavins/Fokerots (LAT) v Arthur/Adrielson (BRA) | Men's Round of 12 - Replay | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowWaller/Hammarberg (AUT) v Cherif/Ahmed (QAT) | Men's Round of 12 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowAdelmo/Andre (BRA) v Popov/Reznik (UKR) | Men's Round of 12 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowCannon/Kraft (USA) v Klinger D./Klinger R. (AUT) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowCarol/Barbara (BRA) v Scampoli/Bianchi (ITA) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowMichelle/Poletti (PAR) v Wachowicz/Radelczuk (POL) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowAgatha/Rebecca (BRA) v Vitoria/Hegeile (BRA) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowPaulikiene/Raupelyte (LTU) v Gottardi/Orsi Toth, R. (ITA) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowAndressa/Tainá (BRA) v Ittlinger/Van de Velde (GER) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowPedro /Arthur (BRA) v Bello, Ja./Bello, Jo. (ENG) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowCherif/Ahmed (QAT) v van de Velde/Immers (NED) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowÅhman/Hellvig (SWE) v Mol, H./Berntsen (NOR) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowWaller/Hammarberg (AUT) v Quintero/Droguett (CHI) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowChurin/Gallay (ARG) v Thainara/Elize Maia (BRA) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowMol, A./Sørum, C.(NOR) v Plavins/Fokerots (LAT) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowArthur/Adrielson (BRA) v Capogrosso T./Capogrosso N. (ARG) | Main Draw R3 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowKlinger D./Klinger R. (AUT) v Scampoli/Bianchi (ITA) | Main Draw R2 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowGottardi/Orsi Toth, R. (ITA) v Ittlinger/Van de Velde (GER) | Main Draw R2 | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live Nowvan de Velde/Immers (NED) v Bello, Ja./Bello, Jo. (ENG) | Main Draw R2 | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowPlavins/Fokerots (LAT) v Huster/Just (GER) | Main Draw R2 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowTaiana Lima/Talita (BRA) v Thainara/Elize Maia (BRA) | Main Draw R2 | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowThamela/Victoria (BRA) v Churin/Gallay (ARG) | Main Draw R2 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowArthur/Adrielson (BRA) v Popov/Reznik (UKR) | Main Draw R2 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowCapogrosso T./Capogrosso N. (ARG) v Amieva/Bueno (ARG) | Main Draw R2 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live Nowvan de Velde/Immers (NED) v Pedro /Arthur (BRA) | Main Draw R1 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowCherif/Ahmed (QAT) v Bello, Ja./Bello, Jo. (ENG) | Main Draw R1 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowMol, H./Berntsen (NOR) v Waller/Hammarberg (AUT) | Main Draw R1 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowÅhman/Hellvig (SWE) v Quintero/Droguett (CHI) | Main Draw R1 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowPaulikiene/Raupelyte (LTU) v Ittlinger/Van de Velde (GER) | Main Draw R1 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowGottardi/Orsi Toth, R. (ITA) v Andressa/Tainá (BRA) | Main Draw R1 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowKlinger D./Klinger R. (AUT) v Carol/Barbara (BRA) | Main Draw R1 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowCannon/Kraft (USA) v Scampoli/Bianchi (ITA) | Main Draw R1 | Rio de Janeiro - Replay
liveEvent Live NowAgatha/Rebecca (BRA) v Wachowicz/Radelczuk (POL) | Main Draw R1 - Replay | Rio de Janeiro
liveEvent Live NowCapogrosso T./Capogrosso N. (ARG) v Popov/Reznik (UKR) | Main Draw R1 | Rio de Janeiro
Beach Pro TourNew Challenge events in Türkiye and Brazil added to Beach Pro Tour 20252025-02-07 11:00