
In the run-up to the FIVB Women's Volleyball World Cup 2022, eleven Volleybaldames went 'Back to School'. The Dutch players gave a presentation and clinic at twenty elementary schools in Rotterdam and the province of Gelderland. More than 900 children came into contact with volleyball.

The numbers: between 4 April and 13 May, 11 players, visited 20 elementary schools in 18 municipalities. They gave a presentation about their lives as top athletes, the FIVB Volleyball World Championship 2022, the importance of having fun in volleyball and the relationship between healthy food and top volleyball to children between the ages of 6 and 12. This was followed by a clinic in the gym where the children were challenged to work on their volleyball techniques. The training ended with matches and games.

Myrthe Schoot looked back on her visit to De Pannevogel in Steenderen with a good feeling. "Even if I only inspired one kid who will be on the Dutch national team in ten years and say, 'When I was ten, I had a clinic by Myrthe Schoot. That's what made me start playing volleyball and now I'm here', that would be great," she said. "But above all, I hope that these children will forever have something to do with volleyball, and even more with sport in general, and will stay in motion."